1.About the test
Q: What sort of test is the JLPT?
The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test is held in Japan and abroad to evaluate and certify Japanese-language proficiency of non-native speakers.
Q: Are there any special qualifications needed to take the JLPT?
The JLPT is open to all non-native Japanese speakers.Eligibility extends to holders of Japanese citizenship. There are no age restrictions for the JLPT.
Q: I have a physical disability. Can I take the JLPT?
Yes, you can. We make special arrangements for examinees with disabilities. Please inquire at the institution conducting the test in the country/area where you plan to take it. Those who would like to make special arrangements need to submit "Request Form for Special Arrangements" along with their application form upon registration.
Q: How often is the JLPT going to be administered?
Twice yearly, in July and December. Outside Japan, the test may be held only in July or December in some cities. Please check "List of Overseas Test Site Cities and Local Host Institutions" for the test schedule in your city.
Q: When will the JLPT be held in 2025?
In 2025, the tests will be conducted on Sunday, July 6 and Sunday, December 7.
(Outside Japan, the test may be held only in July or December in some cities. Please check "List of Overseas Test Site Cities and Local Host Institutions" for the test schedule in your city.)
Q: Where can we take the JLPT?
You can take the test in major cities all over Japan. If you are planning to take the test outside Japan, you can find cities where the test is offered in "Local Host Institutions of JLPT."
Q: Can I apply to take only some sections instead of all sections?
No, you cannot.
Q: At the time of registration, I will not be in the country/area where I want to take the test. What should I do?
Please make sure to apply with the institution conducting the test in the country/area where you plan to take it. Registration methods differ by country. Please contact the local institution. If you cannot apply for the test by yourself, please ask a friend or acquaintance in the country/area where you want to take the test for help with registration.
Q: Who conducts the JLPT?
The Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services.
Japan Educational Exchanges and Services conducts the test in Japan, and the Japan Foundation conducts the test overseas with the cooperation of local host institutions.
In Taiwan, the JLPT is co-hosted with Japan - Taiwan Exchange Association.